
A Need: Bookshelf

{Victoria from Sfgirlbythebay’s apartment (above and below), so cute! }


Moving into a smaller apartment means less storage space and more clutter. Clutter is a huge no no for the ultra clean, organized, neat freak, aka the bf. I’m trying to make an effort and show I can be clean and organized too (trying is the key word).  I just went through all my clothes, and organized our bathroom and office space … I think he’s pretty impressed!

Even with all the garbage bag of ‘stuff’ and goodwill bags, I still have things lying around. This is where my need for a bookshelf comes in to play. Not only will it help hold all my office supplies, but will do wonders with all the extra things floating around. Loving all the ones featured above… obviously leaning toward white.

What do you think? What are some of your tricks on how to clean up clutter in small spaces?