
Healthy Granola Bars

While I was in Portland last week my aunt and I attempted homemade granola bars. We couldn’t find the exact recipe we wanted to use, so we kinda adapted several and made it our own. The final product didn’t turn out exactly how we’d like, but thought I share my experience anyway… hey, maybe you could learn from our mistakes. The taste was absolutely amazing; sweet, salty, and savory, but we had chuncks of granola rather than bars. In order to better bind all the ingredients, Mrs. Nicole recommends reducing the amount of oats from 2 ½  cups to 1 ½. It’s all about trial and error, right? =)

If you try this out, I would love to hear how it goes! Enjoy!


  1. 1 cup Peanut Butter
  2. ½ cup Cranberries
  3. 1 cup Vegan chocolate chips
  4. 1 cup roasted peanuts
  5. 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  6. ½ cup honey
  7. 1 ½ cups oats
  8. ¼ Brown Sugar


Toast oats and peanuts at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
In medium size bowl mix peanut butter, honey, and brown sugar.
In large size bowl mix dry ingredients; oats, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and cranberries.
Pour liquid ingredients into large bowl and mix. Use your hands!
Once the oats cool off a bit, add the vegan chocolate chips.
If the mix seems dry, add more honey or peanut butter (whichever you prefer).
Pour final product into a pan and flatten.
Let sit for about an hour.