Yup it’s Monday~ Weekend Recap
{littlegirlblue via Mrs. French}
♥ this picture- Wish I was somewhere sunbathing on this first day of summer! Goodbye Spring, Hello Summer ♥
Good Morning Monday!
Mondays = My day. My day to catch up on blogs, work on projects, sit alone at a coffee shop, lay in bed, enjoy my view, workout, catch up on DVR, and most importantly a day to do ME! Aside from it being the longest day of the year and not to mention a gorgeous Monday, I had a really, relaxing, adventurous weekend.
- First off, I got my hair cut- and I mean cut, 5 inches- talk about scary!
- Yesterday, the roomy and I adventured into Japantown for some tourism and Calgels (stay tuned for a post on these beauties).
- Made homemade veggie fajtas for some World Cup soccer.
Overall, very relaxing and not to mention we had beautiful weather~ I love this City more and more.