Best Buys: $100 and Less
Being sick all week, I’ve been browsing the web quite a bit ( actually I’ve been on my computer all day, every day. Story of my life). I came across and haven’t left since. I’m pretty sure I’ve been to this site before, but never really took the time to realize the convenience and efficiency of it all. This time around, I fell in love… it’s one stop shopping; they feature all the brands you have ever searched for and more, which means they technically do the shopping for you. I decide the category and the price and voila. I love that they have brands at every price point, and so much to pick from.
While I’ve been lounging around in hopes of getting better, I put together some favorites of mine, all $100 and under; dresses, blazers, platforms, and sandals. Feel free to browse and enjoy in the shopping mess I got myself into these last few sick days…