The Top 5 Handbags on my Designer Handbag Wishlist
I received a few requests for this post and I’m finally getting around to sharing. You may be surprised, but I don’t lust after handbags as much as you would think. There’s a few more bags I want to add to my collection, but I try to be as practical and realistic as possible. As with all of my purchases, I try to think about how often I would wear it, all that it can hold, does it work in my lifestyle, cost per wear, what’s missing in my collection that I would really reach for, etc. While I don’t have a vast designer handbag collection, I do think a designer handbag makes a huge impact on your overall look. If you were to splurge on one thing in your closet, I would 1000% say make it a handbag. That way you can save on all your other pieces and still look pulled together and elevated because you’re bag makes a statement (and I don’t mean the color or size). The next bag I have my heart set on is the Goyard Saint Louise PM tote in black. I was planning on getting this last year, but I bought a couple smaller handbags instead. Stay tuned to see if and when I pull the trigger!
Saint Luarent Classic Medium Universite Bag in Black Leather
I’ve always loved seeing this bag in street style photos, but never really thought I had to have it. Well, its been years now and I still love the classic look and style. Sadly, I would only be able to get this one preowned (no longer available), which I’m not opposed to doing. I’ve started to search for one in good shape … if you have this bag and want to sell it, send me an email, lol!
Goyard Saint Louise PM Bag in Black
I’ve always loved a good tote and this one is so chic and elevated. The PM is the perfect size for my petite frame, although I know it won’t be able to hold all my crap plus Harper’s things. I’ve debated getting the GM, but ultimately, I’ve accepted the fact that I carry two bags now that I’m a mom.
Chanel Calfskin Quilted Medium Boy Flap Bag
This bag as been on my wishlist since it came out. I don’t know what it is about it that I love so much. I’ve never been into Chanel quilted classic bags, but this one is edgy and has the perfect amount of masculine features. Feminine meets masculine, which you all know is right up my alley. I wouldn’t mind finding this one preowned, either.
Gucci Ophidia Small Camera Bag
I’m not normally a monogram print kind of person, but Gucci, I love. I’ve been gravitating toward more brown lately and I just adore this crossbody. I love that it works in the fall, winter, and summer. And for some reason I’m drawn to the green and red strap, too. Can you see this bag working with a simple neutral summer outfit – just so good!
Mansur Gavriel Leather Circle Crossbody Bag
I LOVE a good cognac bag and this one is stunning! The shape, the leather, the lines – I love everything about it and it would work seamlessly in my wardrobe.