Weekend Recap
{date night at a new-to-us Thai restaurant on Polk}
{officially spring!}
{two of my favorite indulgences: chips and salsa and soy misto}
{breakfast outside at The Plant on the one day we had sunshine}
{so much goodness here}
I could not have asked for a better weekend! We started it off with a yummy meal at a new-to-us Thai restaurant a couple blocks from our apartment and then made it to the Hunger Games. I have not read the books (the bf has), but I was not disappointed one bit. SO GOOD! Sunday we woke up to beautiful sunshine (finally)! Windy yes, but we spent the majority of the day outside with a walk to the Marina, breakfast at The Plant, and then a little shopping. We ended our night with a the two of us in the kitchen cooking dinner, which to me is always the perfect way to end the weekend… It was one of those days that made you feel reassured the city you live in is the perfect city for you and the man you live with is your perfect match. Aaaahh, such a good day!
Alright that’s enough of my sappiness … Hope your weekend was filled with friends, family, wine and good food. Cheers to a great week!