Article Burrard Couch Review
I’ve received SO many requests to share my thoughts on our Article Burrard couch. Although we recently swapped it out for the Article Nova sectional, I thought I’d share my thoughts here in case anyone is in the market for a new couch or has been eyeing it. I fell in love with this couch the second I saw it while scrolling through Instagram. I think I saw it on some home decor/designer’s Instagram page. I had been dreaming of a gray couch and this one seemed like it could work perfectly with our space.
First off, it’s really hard to pick a couch online without seeing or sitting on it. That’s the number one thing people ask me. How do you know if it’s comfortable? Well, you don’t. You have to do extensive research, call the manufacturer, and read reviews. And to be honest, that still won’t give you the answer you’re looking for. You kinda have to just go for it. Also, it’s best to pick a couch that can be returned (although returning a couch is always a hassle). Let me also preface this by saying, we had a really nice couch prior to the Burrard. And by really nice I mean it was large, comfy, cozy, kept its shape, everything you could ask for – but the color was a dingy beige. The couch was handed down to us from friends in the Bay Area and while we LOVED it, it didn’t work in our new house and we wanted something to brighten the space.
When the Burrard arrived it was small and stiff. I thought we had made a huge mistake. But, as time went on, I realized the couch was perfect in our space (size and color) and the cushions started to soften. It’s so hard to make a decision on a couch, when you’re constantly comparing it to your last couch (well, if you liked your last couch). After months of having the couch, I actually really grew to love it. It’s on the firm side, but still comfortable. It’s not your sink-it-to-it with a book type of couch, but that’s not what we were looking for. It has a short back, is very low to the ground, and has a deep sitting area. If you’re not into low profile couches, this one is not for you. But, if you’re looking for a gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing, but also a couch you can sit on and enjoy, that will keep its shape, this is a great option. This is also a great couch if you have kids – it seems like you can do pretty much anything to it ( jump, lay, stand) and it will hold up and look gorgeous.
So, why did we replace it? Mike wanted something bigger and a little more comfortable. I would have kept the couch 100%. But, since Mike spends more time on the couch, I thought I’d hear him out. Once we have our Nova sectional for a couple months, I’ll share my thoughts on that couch as well.
Let me know if you have any other questions. I’m happy to answer them in the comments.