Bedroom Re-Arrangement
Apt 402 is officially getting some new furniture :) (ok some new and some comes with the new roomy). Totally excited to reorganize and redecorate! Before I make any decisions, though, I want to get some feedback from all of you. I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to organize my bedroom, which includes adding more furniture and including some wall decorations… I need HELP! I would love to hear your thoughts?
What are your thoughts on having a chaise in the bedroom?
{via: myhomeideas}
{via: Apartment Therapy}
How do you feel about a white duvet with accent pillows and throws?
{via: House of Turquoise}
I’ve always had a desk in my room… What are your thoughts on bringing work into the bedroom?
{via: Simply Seleta}
{via: yellow door}
I love the idea of this. Is it too elementary to have a chalk board in the house?
{via: design evolution}
{via: wit+delight}