Recent Baby Purchases
I receive so many questions about the things we use for Harper. Honestly, it’s a nice surprise. Whether you’re buying gifts for a new mom, are a soon-to-be mom, or currently in the same boat as me, I love being able to share this time with you. I do a ton of research before purchasing anything for Harper. I make sure they’re safe, non-toxic, and worth the $$. I try to stay away from things that will just sit in the closet or collect dust. Other than swaddles and body suits (which, I’ll admit, I went overboard), we’ve really used everything we’ve purchased to far. Mike actually made a comment about this a couple months ago. He gave me a hard time when I was buying for Harper. “We don’t need this, we don’t need that.” But, to his surprise we’ve used EVERYTHING.
I recently made a handful of purchases for Harper and thought I’d share it here on the blog. That way if you see us use something on Instagram Stories, you have a page to come back to for product details.
Wee Gallery Baby’s First Soft Book – We haven’t used this yet, but it’s a nice alternative to Harper’s hard books. Now that she’s holding toys in her hand, this soft book is perfect. Cute pictures with both color and black and white elements. We love Wee Gallery products and this book is no different!
Straight cheesin it after her nap lol.
Bannor Toys Wooden Rattles – I finally got Harper some rattles. I wasn’t joking when I said we are keeping things to minimum, lol. These are non-toxic and not overly stimulating. I was able to custom pick the colors for the whale rattle. You can also get your baby’s name customized on these as well. They make great baby shower gifts!
Petit Collage Modern Bunny Stacker – This is Harper’s favorite toy right now! It’s a little advanced for her at this age, so it sits on her changing table. But, I noticed her always staring at it, so we rock it and she stares at it so intently. The wooden rings all come off, allowing baby to stack them to build the bunny. I can’t wait until she can sit and play with this!
Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit – Harper started rolling over in her swaddle a week and half ago, so we enlisted the highly recommend Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit. I’ve received a ton of messages on Instagram to let her roll over, but she doesn’t sleep when her hands are free. So, the sleepsuit is a nice way to make the transition from completely swaddled to no swaddle at all. The sleepsuit prevents her from rolling over, but Harper isn’t too sure about it yet. She’s done a few longer nap stretches with it, but she’s waking up a lot more than she used to in her Happiest Baby Sleepea. I’m not sure if the change of the swaddle is to blame or if it’s the 4 month sleep regression.
Briar Handmade brimmed bonnets (blush and ivory) – We have several regular Briar Handmade bonnets, but now that it’s getting warm and the sun is out, I decided to get her some brimmed options. She wore the cream one to the park last weekend and I’m obsessed! The brims aren’t large, so they don’t completely block the sun. But, Harper looks SO adorable in them, it doesn’t matter lol. Pricey, but really well made and they’re beautiful. Harper is wearing 3-6 months. Keep in mind they do shrink a bit in the wash.
Petit Collage Organic Baby Squeaker – Another one of Harper’s favorite toys. The long torso of the bunny makes it easy to grasp onto. It makes a fun squeak noise, although we haven’t used it too much because it sounds similar to some of the dog’s toys. We don’t want to make them too jealous.
BLABLA Pretzel Rattle – I was looking to add more color to the mix of toys and thought this pretzel rattle / teether was absolutely adorable. It’s washable, non-toxic, and makes a gentle rattle noise (nothing too annoying).
Bubs & Windy Play Mat – I couldn’t be more obsessed with this play mat. It’s so pretty in person. Not only is it safe and fun for baby, it works so nicely with our decor. You know how people always talk about putting the bright, obnoxious toys away because they are such an eye sore – yeah, not this one. The mat is super plush and soft and so are the mobile pieces. They all make different noise, too.
Petit Collage Organic Baby Chime Ball – We saw a baby physical therapist a couple weeks ago (just checking on her flat head, noting to worry about) and she used a large chiming apple that Harper really loved. So you can imagine my excitement when I found this chime ball. It’s soft, safe, and super adorable! It makes a subtle chime noise when the ball rolls and the ears make a crinkle noise.